Agrobs LeichtGenuss the fibre-rich occupational food!
Many horses are overfed with grain and energy-rich feed. The number of obese horses and related problems such as metabolic diseases has increased dramatically. The LeichtGenuss developed by Agrobs responds to this problem.
Features Agrobs Light Genuss:
- Fiber-rich and natural feed
- very low starch and sugar content:suitable for all horses!
- is rich in fiber and prolongs feed intake
- The need to chew is satisfied, the natural tooth wear is positively supported.
- The chop also ensures a better saliva effect, which has a positive effect on digestion.
- mix of sunflowers, rose petals, cornflower and hibiscus provides the necessary variety in the feed and supplies natural nutrients.
- The tasty fiber mix makes Leichtgenuss particularly popular structure-rich mix of low-energy grasses, herbs, green oats and straw
AGROBS LightGenuss is particularly suitable:
- as occupational food
- as a special treat for all horses
- for horses with a low energy
- requirement in overweight and sober horses
- for upgrading the basic feed / roughage
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