Agrobs Wölbchen Bussi 750g

6.61 incl. VAT

Agrobs Wölbchen Bussi 750gr

* a healthy and natural reward (pelletsize Ø 9mm)
* rich in fibre
* delicicious combination of warm air dried grasses, herbs and root vegetables
* grain-free and without artificial additives
* suitable for all horses and ponies

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Agrobs Wölbchen Bussi 750gr

Wölbchen Bussi are healthy clicker treats for horses and ponies . 

Wölbchen Bussi are made with PRE ALPIN® dried green fibres and gently dried root vegetables for a reward alternative that’s both healthy and delicious.

Low in starch and sugar, these little treats from AGROBS contain no cereals or molasses, making them ideal for all horses.
Wölbchen Bussi contain no artificial additives.

Their cereal and molasses-free composition ensures that your rewards are all-natural and healthy for your horse.

Areas of Use

* the healthy alternative to conventional treats
* the healthy clicker treat for all horses and ponies (average pellet size 9 mm)

Feeding guidelines

  • bite-sized to fit in your hand (up to one handful daily)


PRE ALPIN® dried green fibres, beetroot






 Ruw Eiwit  Crude Protein   Rohprotein 7.90  %
 Ruwe Olie & Vetten  Crude Oils & Fats   Rohöle und -fette  2.10  %
 Ruwe Vezels  Crude Fibre   Rohfaser  21.70  %
 Ruwe As  Crude Ash   Rohasche  10.10  %






 Calcium   Calcium   Calcium   1.81  %
 Fosfor  Phosphorus   Phosphor  0.23  %
 Natrium  Sodium   Natrium  0.013 

Minerale waarden zijn totale waarden van het product, inclusief toegevoegde en van nature voorkomende mineralen uit granen, vezels en andere grondstoffen. 

Dergelijke materialen zijn van nature variabel en als zodanig kunnen de totale waarden enigszins variëren /

Mineral values are total values within the product including added and naturally occurring minerals from grains, fibres and other raw materials.
Such materials are naturally variable and as such total values may vary slightly /

Mineralwerte sind Gesamtwerte innerhalb des Produkts, einschließlich zugesetzter und natürlich vorkommender Mineralien aus Getreide, Fasern und anderen Rohstoffen.
Solche Materialien sind natürlich variabel und als solche können die Gesamtwerte geringfügig variieren

Stand 02/2019


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