Chips Ultra
Ultra absorbent, odour-binding bedding and soft for the paws
Chipsi Ultra consists of small softwood granules.
These granules have an irregular surface and can therefore absorb liquid very quickly. This way there is no smell.
That’s great, especially if the cage is in the living room.
It only stinks when it’s still wet somewhere.
Animals feel really comfortable in Chipsi Ultra, because it is soft and very long-lasting.
Chipsi Ultra is suitable for:
- small animals:
chincilla, degu, ferret, hamster, rabbit, mouse, guinea pig, rat, mongolian gerbil, dwarf hamster
- birds:
lovebirds, amazon, parakeet, gray parrot, zebra finch
- small livestock:
chicken, pigeons, geese, quail, sheep, goat, dwarf cattle, donkey, llama, alpaca, mini pigs